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Staying Healthy/Mantenerse Saludable

Always keep hands clean to contribute to healthiness.  Use soap and water before and after using the bathroom,before eating and after playing outside.  Place soap on hands and scrub while singing the happy birthday song or the ABC song two times then rinse.  Only use hand sanitizer if no soap available.


  • This is the time of year when asthma is triggered by seasonal change, allergies and cold/flu.
  • Please be aware of the signs and symptoms:
  • Cough, more at night
  • Cough with exercise, laughing or crying
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Chest tightness
  • Symptoms worsen if child has a cold or virus of any kind

If your child needs an inhaler at school please have physician fill out medication authorization form and return to nurse along with inhaler.  Form also needs to be signed by parent.  Medication will be given to child by nurse as needed.

Nurse Announcements

Please keep your child home if sick. If your child has a temperature of 100. or higher or is vomiting, please keep home for 24 hours fever or vomit free.  Make sure your child gets at least 8-9 hours sleep each night.  If your child does not like the lunches served at school, please pack a nutritious lunch so your child will have something to eat.

Health Office Procedure

When students come to the nurses office they are assessed for signs of contagious illness such as fever 100.0 or higher, vomiting or diarrhea.  If no signs of contagious illness student will be encouraged to stay in school for the day.  Minor injuries are treated and students sent back to class.  Parents notified of major injuries/illness that require physician evaluation and sent home as needed.